Diving the Busselton Jetty

Diving the Busselton Jetty

Interesting Info

SeaTREK undersea walks is the global leader in underwater tours with 2.5 million dives and only one accident claim!. Very safe, Very Fun!!

Diving the Busselton Jetty

Dive gear is HEAVY!   When you dive the Jetty with Dive Busselton Jetty, you don’t have to carry your gear from the dive shop to the deep end of the Jetty (its a 1.7km walk…)

And then carry it back to shore, and to the dive shop.

Our dive gear is already at the deep end of the Jetty, waiting for you to take it diving!  

Sometimes recognised as one of Australia’s top 10 dive sites, the Busselton Jetty is home to over 300 species of marine life and an eerie, wonder-filled ambience formed by the massive pylons of the 150 year old Jetty surrounding the diver throughout their dive.  This is a great recreational dive, as the water depth is a maximum of 9 meters, and access is easy from the Jetty structure itself – no boat needed. (Did we mention you enter nearly 1.6kms from the shore?) Simply walk out to the end of the Jetty, or catch the train, get geared up (our gear or yours) and go below.

The fantastic coral growth on the older pylons, and the fascinating, diverse fishlife, make for a truly memorable dive.  (When diving on the Busselton Jetty all divers and snorkelers must remain at least 10 meters from the windows of the Underwater Observatory.)


Unfortunately our temporary close is still in effect for the 24/25 summer season. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. For questions or concerns, please email info@divebusseltonjetty.com.au”